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Welcome to the digital space where innovation and human-centric IT service converge. I am Damien Davis, a passionate keynote speaker, workshop leader, and advocate for mental health awareness.

With a dedicated following of over 9,000 professionals on LinkedIn, my career journey has taken me from a helpdesk analyst to the Senior Director of the largest business unit at ServiceNow. Along the way, I’ve used the power of storytelling to connect with people, inspire innovation, and shape the future of business operations.

But my keynotes and webinars go beyond industry trends and technological advancements. They’re about the people who drive our industry forward. I delve into leadership skills, the importance of amplifying others, and the concept of paying it forward. Drawing inspiration from thought leaders like Dr. Liz Wiseman's Multipliers, I share how to zap others with positive energy and create a ripple effect of growth and innovation.

My personal story is central to my narrative. The loss of my brother, Kieran, to suicide profoundly impacted me and ignited my mission to break the stigma around mental health. I share effective techniques for better mental health and advocate for suicide prevention, believing that a supportive and understanding environment is key to both personal and professional growth.

Join me in leveraging technology and the resilience of the human spirit to transform the business landscape and mental health awareness. Together, we can make a lasting impact.

When you book me for your event, you're not just getting a speaker. You’re getting a storyteller who delivers compelling, energetic, and inspiring speeches. My goal is to motivate and uplift your audience, leaving them with practical insights and a renewed sense of purpose.

Join me in leveraging technology and the resilience of the human spirit to transform the business landscape and mental health awareness. Together, we can make a lasting impact.